365 archery


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Coste de Envío: 20€ (Productos de Gran Tamaño)
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Trio XL system. High Performance Parapet.

365 Archery's Trio XL System uses the same high-end self-healing foam as the popular Trio line of butts, but with a larger 14″ (36cm) interchangeable core.

This new design allows a longer useful life of the core and greater use of its 6 sides.

The Trio XL Target is available in the 3 most popular sizes: 24″, 36″ and 48″ (61cm, 92cm, 122cm).

365 Archery's patented self-healing foam provides extraordinary stopping power even against arrows fired from crossbows.

The parapet frame that supports and surrounds the central core offers an increased impact area that provides additional safety for those erratic shots - which every archer knows happen from time to time - eliminating the need to place additional nets or parapets behind the Diana.

The system is completed with a base that provides additional support to the parapet allowing safe shooting without the need to anchor it to the ground.

When all six sides have been shot to wear and tear, you can simply purchase a new center core at a fraction of the price of a complete new parapet.

Recommended for intensive use and crossbows.

Los envíos tienen un coste de 20€ al ser productos de gran tamaño y tener unas dimensiones más grandes de lo normal

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