More roe deer stuff: For a necessary change of course

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Published a decade after the publication of Cosas de corzos , this work complements the previous one and tackles new problems derived from the expansion of the species in Spain. The near disappearance of the roe deer in some places due to the spread of the Cephenemyia epidemic, the consolidation of an excessive abundance of animals in others or the marked disproportion of sexes that can be seen today in almost all its area of distribution, are problems on which the author focuses while proposing a possible solution to the hunter and manager of territories. Profusely illustrated with images by the author himself and the renowned photographer Mario Bregaña, the book covers subjects as diverse as the negative consequences of blindly trophy hunting, the correct butchering of a roe deer carcass or the new parasites that threaten Capreolus capreolus on our soil, all of which are undoubtedly of interest to the enthusiast of the species.
Undoubtedly one of the chapters that will be most useful for the enthusiast is the one that, with the support of numerous example photographs, shows the type of animal (females, juveniles and adult males of "trophy class" or senescent) that in each circumstance, according to the author's criteria and from a modern and environmentally responsible hunting perspective, should be hunted or respected.
Inside on 170 g coated paper in four-colour process. Hard cover. Chrome binding with round spine.
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Ventajas y características principales
Edited a decade after the publication of Roe deer things , this work complements the previous one and addresses new problems derived from the expansion of the species in Spain. The almost disappearance of the roe deer in some places due to the extension of the epidemic of Cephenemyia , the consolidation of an excessive abundance of animals in others or the marked disproportion of sexes that can be verified today in almost all of its distribution area, are problems on which the author focuses while proposing to the hunter and territory manager the possible solution path. Profusely illustrated with images by the author himself and the renowned photographer Mario Bregaña, the book covers such disparate topics – all of them undoubtedly interesting for the fan of the species – such as the negative consequences of blindly trophy hunting, the correct butchering of a roe deer carcass or the new parasites that threaten the Capreolus capreolus on our soil.
Without a doubt one of the chapters that will be most useful for the fan is the one that, with the support of numerous example photographs, shows the type of animal (females, juveniles and adult "trophy class" or senescent males) that in each circumstance , in the opinion of the author and from a modern and environmentally responsible hunting perspective, should be hunted or respected.