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Productos Validados por YWH

Coste de Envío Península 6€; Islas Baleares y Canarias 10€
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Our unique design means the tip has two sets of cutting edges separated at two different levels. Upon impact, the first two wing-shaped blades cut through the skin and pierce the ribs. The resistance encountered serves as a lever to deploy the main blades while the arrow advances. These wings are the ones who receive the most punishment, cutting hair, mud, skin and bones during entry. Smaller blades require less energy to penetrate than a fully deployed tip upon impact. Its rearward position also helps the aim not to slide in cracked shots, allowing the point to be fixed exactly at the point of impact. The second cutting assembly is made up of the main blades. These do not have to fight against any resistance during the initial penetration. Their edges will therefore be intact when they open inside the body cavity. This allows the main blades to remain sharp to precisely lacerate internal organs.

Los envíos dentro de la península tienen un coste de 6€ al ser productos de pequeño tamaño y tener unas dimensiones poco comunes. Islas Baleares y Canarias tienen un coste de envío de 10€

Dispones de 14 días naturales desde el momento que recibes tu pedido.

Para Realizar la Devolución:
- Empaqueta tu pedido.
- Escríbenos un mail con la palabra "Devolución" y el número de pedido y envíanoslo a nuestros almacenes.
- Tras la recepción del artículo, comprobar que no ha sido utilizado y que el producto conserve el estado y embalaje original, te reembolsaremos el dinero de inmediato.