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Productos Validados por YWH

Coste de Envío Península 6€; Islas Baleares y Canarias 10€
Pago Seguro
Swhacker adds a “sting” to its innovative two-cut technology, with this 4-blade hybrid tip model. Swhacker has long been known for the success of its finned mechanical tip design, an industry first. This design causes the main blades to deploy already inside the thoracic cavity causing greater damage and allowing the arrow to retain more energy and thus greater penetration. Now, with the inclusion of fixed bleeders, Swhacker Hybrid tips offer a 4-edge cut at the point of contact for rich bleed trails and shorter strikes. For the discerning bowhunter, the Swhacker Hybrid offers the best of both worlds.

Los envíos dentro de la península tienen un coste de 6€ al ser productos de pequeño tamaño y tener unas dimensiones poco comunes. Islas Baleares y Canarias tienen un coste de envío de 10€

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