After a year of recording and many sleepless nights, we present to you what for us is a very special series. Full involvement with the rural world to be able to explore the secrets of this animal, the damage it causes and in this way to be able to analyze it and know it even more deeply.

I invite you to immerse yourself in this amazing series that takes us to the bowels of America to explore its varied forms of hunting! 🌎🦌🦆🐗🐾 Join us with Ignacio Ducay and discover how hunting for white-tailed deer, ducks, quail, wild boars, pumas and bison is carried out. An experience you can't miss! 🌟

In this video, we explore montería and its importance in the history of hunting. You will discover how the organization of ancient hunts resembles modern hunts and how the hunt plays a crucial role in social function. Additionally, we talked about the future of hunting and the need to convince non-hunters that hunters are not bad, preventing them from becoming anti-hunting. Join us in this exploration of montería and its relevance in today's society!
Series YWH en YouTube

In this video, Nicky, an experienced American hunter, shares her experience of hunting her first mountain buck in Gredos . The male, who was sick with mange, was killed in an ethical and responsible manner, complying with all conservation regulations. Throughout the video, the vital role that hunters play in the conservation of the ibex and other wildlife species is explained.

In this full episode, we will learn how to butcher the deer we hunted in the previous episode. Enjoy a day of family fishing, catching redfish in the Laguna Madre in Texas. Braiden will face the hunt for a wild boar and, finally, we will embark on the search for a female nilgai. Stay tuned for an action-packed episode featuring hunting, fishing, and family adventures!

In this exciting video, we will explore the relationship between hunting and conservation, focusing on the fascinating hunting of mountain bucks. With Mariano we will discover the challenges, joys and surprises that this exciting activity entails, including the hunt for the first majestic wild male of our American friends. Join us on this adventure full of nature and excitement!

"Wild Texas", FOLLOWING THE WHITE-TAILED DEER, the first episode of this series! 🌟 In this adventure, he finds himself at a fair in America where he meets Sparky from @jokersoutdoor and his two children, after which he embarks on an adventure with them. It will follow them in an epic story as Braiden hunts his first whitetail deer. A truly special moment to be able to hunt the first big game animal with his father and brother! Furthermore, applying our wonderful philosophy: We eat what we hunt! 🦌👨👦👦🍴

We return to our origins with this series in Africa. Join our hunting adventure in Africa that we relive with great enthusiasm! In this chapter we bring you an adventure lived in 2020, where we explore hunting warthogs with a bow and rifle, along with other species such as wildebeest and blesbucks in the impressive African landscapes. Discover how we transport our hunting equipment, the emotions of a stalk in Africa and the process of butchering meat. If you are a lover of hunting and wildlife, this series is for you. Join us on this exciting hunting experience in Africa!

We return to our origins with this series in Africa. Join our hunting adventure in Africa that we relive with great enthusiasm! In this chapter we bring you an adventure lived in 2020 where we chase Phacos, Zebras and Oryx. In this video, you will experience exciting sets, challenging tackles, and rifle and bow target practice. Join us in the search for the coveted warthog and other impressive African trophies! Hunting in Africa has never been so exciting.

We return to our origins with this series in Africa. Join our hunting adventure in Africa that we relive with great enthusiasm! In this chapter we bring you an adventure lived in 2020 where we hunted Oryx and Wildebeest in the phaco concession. On this unforgettable journey, we chase unique trophies in a stunning natural environment. Join us as we explore African wildlife and face unexpected challenges. Don't miss this hunting experience on the African continent!

Join us on this exciting adventure in Tanzania, where we explore African wildlife and engage in dangerous hunting! A unique experience hunting buffalo and preparing lion baits in Tanzania.

In this exciting episode of Young Wild Hunter, we delve into the heart of Zimbabwe in search of the elephant's footprint. Join us on this unforgettable experience alongside professional hunters and elephant trackers as we explore wildlife and conservation in Africa. Discover how sustainable hunting can contribute to the protection of these majestic animals and the well-being of local communities. Join us on this unique adventure in search of responsible hunting and the beauty of African fauna!

Join our exciting hunting adventure in Africa in 2020! In this episode, brothers Gonzalo and Borja explore African wildlife while hunting Impalas, Blesbuck and searching for the elusive Warthog. Discover the thrill of chasing these iconic animals in a challenging and beautiful environment. Join us on our unique journey and share our passion for sustainable hunting in Africa.

In this second episode we teach the art of fishing🐟 and a stalking with buck kids🐐.

In this first episode we show the quartering of a roe deer🦌 and a bow hunting competition🏹 between children and monitors.

In this second episode we teach the art of falconry🦃 with children.

In this fourth episode we teach the of montería and the art of realeros at .... with children.

We received the call from our friend Manu and we did not hesitate to travel to Almería. All the scenarios in which we hunters find ourselves when we go out to the field, are usually impressive, but this time, we were in the dream place of anyone who practices this activity.

We continue in the province of Almeria with our colleague and friend Manu, in search of some bucks and goats that do not meet the health requirements or are sick and pose a risk to the population. Surrounded by sea and mountains, Almeria is a unique place to get such spectacular sets as the ones you can see in this episode.

We continued in the province of Almeria with our colleague Manu, carrying out species management. Surrounded by a spectacular landscape with sea and mountains, we made a nice shot at a good specimen of goat, thus fulfilling our objective. As lovers of this activity we know how important it is to make the most of the meat, so in this chapter we prepare some delicious goat tacos.

After a few attempts (with little success) the team formed by Ignacio, Rafa, Ramón and Asís, finally managed to find a target and be able to shoot it. The happiness is twofold, since in addition to the management and getting meat, this adventure with people we really consider friends, is what makes it extraordinary.

In today's video we are going on a new adventure. Join us in Burgos to do roe deer management.

If there is something we like more than hunting is... eating. After a couple of days in the field, the team formed by Ramón Big Trophy, Asís Valentín, Rafa and Ignacio are ready to make a big "chorizada" to enjoy with friends.

The art of taxidermy is unquestionable, but in safari areas it is even more impressive 🦒 In this video Ignacio Ducay, CEO of Jóvenes Cazadores Salvajes, visits several taxidermies in South Africa that have shown interest in our WildScreens so that their clients can take home these hunting souvenirs 🌍 The taxidermists themselves explain how they work and what processes are carried out so that the results are ideal ✅

Todos sabemos que África es el paraíso de los cazadores. En esta ocasión, acompañados por la familia Oosthuizen de Mbuyu Safaris, vamos a ver cómo cazan un precioso Blesbuck en la zona de Limpopo. También os contamos cómo está siendo la experiencia en el Salgari Hunters & Mbuyu Lodge, y os presentamos a nuestro nuevo amigo 🦒. WildScreens está teniendo una gran acogida por parte de taxidermistas, cazadores y armerías de Sudáfrica. ¡Seguimos creciendo! 🚀

This time we bring you a Vlog in which the CEO of Young Wild Hunters, Ignacio Ducay, travels to South Africa where he will be visiting different taxidermies that have been interested in our WildScreen. This video serves as an introduction to a series of mini Vlogs in which we will tell you how our projects are evolving, so that all our community can see what we are working on.

Have you ever wondered what the biggest taxidermies in South Africa are like? On this occasion we visit some of the most important ones, where we will find lions, elephants, giraffes, crocodiles... An incredible adventure! WildScreens are coming a long way and are very well received by the taxidermist industry in South Africa, as they add value to the hunting and trophy experience.

Over the last few days in South Africa, we have been visiting the best taxidermies across Africa to show them the added value WildScreen brings to their work and they are getting a great reception!

In this video we bring you episode 1 of hunting as a family, where we will see the adventures of father and son and several friends. Having the opportunity to hunt in a place like Burgos is a luxury... doing it as a family even more!

In this video we bring you episode 2 visiting a Teckel kennel and we will also see the adventures of father and son and several friends. A Teckel is a highly recommended dog for anyone who likes hunting🦌.

On this occasion, the Young Wild Hunters team accompanied him to see first-hand what his job is and to be able to find a very rare species of animal, the white mouflon.

In this second part, the Young Wild Hunters team accompanies Ramón on a journey with a very specific objective: to find the most impressive deer of the season. Will he succeed?

We accompany Gonzalo and Ignacio on this new adventure, to get to know first hand the depths of the Argentinean pampa. Terrapampa is the place where our hunters will enjoy for 12 days the authentic gaucho nature.

We continue with this second VideoVlog in TERRAPAMPA Argentina. We will accompany Diego and Gonzalo to a traditional pigeon and dove shoot. Then, we will continue discovering some of the secrets of the ranch and we will see how they take care and manage the animals, in particular the deer, in order to have spectacular genetics.

Ignacio's exciting journey through America continues in Wild Mexico! After his epic adventure in Texas, Ignacio immerses himself in the vast beauty of Mexico, where the wilderness awaits him with open arms. In this new stage, Ignacio embarks on the exciting search for the queen of the waters: the ducks. Among the lush Mexican landscapes, you delight in the abundance and diversity of these waterfowl, challenging your skills as a hunter and admiring the majesty of the wildlife.

Hunters with Ukraine symbolizes the unity of the rural world and the change that is about to come. More than 6000 km in 5 days, 40 tons of basic necessities collected by hunters, donated by hundreds of hunters and distributed in Poland in Ukrainian trucks by hunters. 4 mothers and 2 children, return with us to Spain to start a new life away from the war in Ukraine. With this feat we want society to know us, to see what we really are, to understand that hunters only want to help nature and society through hunting, a responsible, ethical and scientific hunting, which helps to protect and manage the environment always looking for the best natural balance. "Arriving together is the beginning, walking together is progress, working together is success."

During 4 days we were able to attend the SCI and the SHOT SHOW in Las Vegas. During this trip we have been able to see a large number of trophies, stands of renowned hunting and armament brands and we have expanded our portfolio of contacts. We have our sights set on expanding our frontiers and reaching new targets. But above all, we want to become even bigger in the hunting industry.

The Young Wild Hunters team visits IWA OUTDOOR CLASSICS, the largest hunting fair in Europe. After a journey of more than 32 hours by car, we arrived at our destination. There we tell how a hunting fair is experienced from the inside.

The Young Wild Hunters team visits IWA OUTDOOR CLASSICS, Europe's largest hunting fair. There we will tell you a bit more about the hunting fairs and the adventures we experienced in Nuremberg.

One more year, we return to a place that we already consider our home. Cinegetica is the most important event of the hunting sector in Spain, and there meet the main brands and relevant figures of our country as far as hunting management is concerned. We will get to know the main novelties of companies and organics, as well as meet with colleagues we already consider friends.

Once again this year, we return to a place we already consider our home. Cinegética is the most important event of the hunting sector in Spain, and the main brands and relevant figures of our country in terms of hunting management meet there. We will get to know the main novelties of companies and organics, as well as meeting up with colleagues we already consider friends.

In this Video-Vlog we accompany the Young Wild Hunters team together with the Garoz brothers, to one of the most important fairs in France, the Salon de la chasse.

This time the Young Wild Hunters team accompanies Hunty's team to one of the most beautiful areas of the interior of the peninsula, the Maestrazgo mountain range in Teruel.

In this episode we tell you how the Young Wild Hunters prepare the equipment before and during the filming of the documentaries. This time we will visit the north of Spain, Berga, a village in the mountains with spectacular flora and fauna in the company of José María Vaz Bustos, a real professional hunting guide. The objective: Hunt a roe deer. Will we be able to do it?

We go to the Trubia Valley reserve in Asturias to try to catch a deer in the middle of the rut. On the way we find different animals among which we can highlight a wolf.

In this adventure the Hunter Brothers go to the Picos de Europa to practice one of the most complicated hunting modalities, chamois stalking in high mountains with a bow.

Te has preguntado alguna vez cómo es el pescado que llega a tu mesa? Ignacio, junto a nuestro amigo Frank Almagro, aprovecharon su visita a Francia para conocer cómo es una piscifactoría por dentro.

Have you ever seen a Muskox butchered? In this video we bring you with the company of Alex Hohne and Ignacio Ducay the complete butchering of one of the animals we most wanted to hunt in Groenladia and of course to eat! This occasion also served to continue testing our meat bags with one of the most difficult and heavy animals to transport. The best of all is... the bags passed the test!

In this video we can see Gonzalo Palma and Álvaro de Onis visiting a taxidermy in Namibia, where hunting is a fundamental pillar for the population. We talk about the transport of the skins and pieces, as well as their confection.

The Young Wild Hunters team together with Jerónimo from Cinegetics and Daniel, a young entrepreneur from the area affected by the Sierra de la culebra fire. They will travel to the epicenter of the catastrophe to make visible, give voice and testimony with people in the area of what happened. In this video we seek to convey our concern for nature and the rural world. The abandonment and wear that is suffering year after year is a reality and we want to put an end to it. In the end our role as hunters, as managers and defenders of the natural environment, makes us take action and begin to make visible everything that happens in empty Spain. For a world full of villages, farmers, farmers, fishermen, hunters and other trades of the rural world!

On March 20, Young Wild Hunters, was in the demonstration to be able to participate, to claim their rights and defend the rural world, as hunters. With the entire team, we went to record it, so that those who could not go, could know the reality of what happened. Together with thousands of other hunters, farmers and ranchers, we moved forming a group of young people to start the march from the Plaza Emperador Carlos V, to the Ministry of Ecological Transition, where there was a stage where we could listen to personalities such as D. Manuel Gallardo Casado, president of the RFEC. More than 500,000 people gathered in Madrid, fighting for the same goal: "THE RURAL WORLD".

Enjoy a unique Boc Balear hunt in Mallorca , exploring impressive landscapes in the La Victòria preserve. Live this experience as a family , discover delicious game meat and explore Majorcan hunting traditions.
Learn the secrets of this exciting adventure with the protagonists, who used a Sako rifle and a Burris scope.

Discover the exciting hunt of Arruí in the mountains with Álvaro Paniagua, Director of Operations at Young Wild Hunters, and Vicente Llorca, manager of Gescing Hunting. In this video, you will live a unique experience as we explore the rugged beauty of Valencia and Alicante in search of this fascinating hunting trophy. To live this spectacular experience, the protagonists used a Sako rifle and a Burris Veracity Ph scope

In this podcast we have David Cotela, a fearless and passionate hunter, who thrives in the rugged territories of the Pyrenean border between Spain and France. His search is not limited only to the capture of trophies, but he immerses himself in the rural environments of both countries to discover the deep-rooted customs and traditions, as well as to share the passion for hunting with fans of both nationalities. More than an activity, for Cotela hunting is a means to connect with nature and understand the essence of the territories it passes through.

Victor and Pau tell us everything they know about the long-suffering and hard hunting of woodcock in the high mountains.

Together with Elena we explore the profile of the female hunter in Spain, the importance of the observatory and she will give us a review of her latest studies. But above all we will meet Elena, a woman passionate about hunting and committed to nature conservation. We will also talk about female empowerment in science, a field that has traditionally been dominated by men. How are women challenging traditional roles in science? In addition, he will tell us the secrets of the Sierra Madrona goats, a species with impressive horns that are a symbol of the beauty of nature. We will talk about the importance of the technical plan in historical conservation. How does it help protect our cultural heritage? And finally, don't miss the power of science. The Hunting and Conservation Observatory reveals the truth about hunting management in your preserve. And you can also help science and discover the state of your hearing for FREE!

Join us and discover the fascinating world of blood tracing and working with hunting dogs in this exciting video. Together with Virginia, we will learn the best secrets and details of this very particular world. We will explore dog training techniques, hunting ethics, the importance of using GPS for dogs, and how to build an effective team. We will learn how to contact them if you need help finding the downed animal. Join us for an immersive nature experience as we learn about responsible hunting and caring for nature

Welcome to a fascinating journey through the world of falconry with the passionate expert Javier Ceballos! 🦅🌍 Discover the ancient tradition of hunting with birds of prey and let yourself be captivated by the exciting experiences that Javier shares. 📖🔍 We will discover the mysteries of falconry, exploring how this tradition has transcended borders to become a global legacy. Join us on this fascinating journey and fuel your adventurous spirit! 🎥

We will discover how knowledge of the field, responsibility in hunting and commitment to environmental conservation are fundamental pillars. Join us on this journey where young hunters demystify hunting, promoting ecological balance, integration with nature and the appreciation of game meat. Join us to learn and share about an activity that not only manifests continuous learning, but also provides a positive impact on the ecosystem.

Join us for this exciting episode of the Fireside Podcast, where Antonio shares his experiences as a traveling hunter. From his first trip to South Africa to fascinating hunts in the Himalayas and other remote destinations, discover how hunting has led him to explore five continents. Learn about his wildlife encounters, hunting traditions, and the lessons he has learned from each trip. Don't miss this exciting talk about international hunting and the connection with nature!

Discover the best kept secrets of hunting, where we explore effective hunting strategies and share unforgettable hunting experiences. With practical advice for passionate hunters, you will learn to live hunting with respect and responsibility. Immerse yourself in exciting adventures and discover how to achieve success in hunting. Paco, a passionate hunter, shares his knowledge about outdoor life, the importance of responsibility in hunting and how to enjoy this activity in the company of friends. From planning to execution at the cutting site, every detail is addressed to give you a complete view of the hunting experience. Get ready to experience the thrill of hunting like never before! 🌲🦌🔭

Join the experts as they discuss the challenges and opportunities of hunting, the passion for sports shooting, and the legal issues surrounding weapons in the Spanish context. Discover the nuances of hunting ethics and how these activities are evolving in the country. Join us in this complete analysis of a fascinating topic!

In this video, enjoy a passionate conversation about hunting and conservation with José María Losa, president of the International Safari Club. We explore our wild boar hunting adventures during the mountain season, sharing anecdotes and experiences in the field. Discover how mountain hunting and hunting trips have enriched our lives. Additionally, we talked about the crucial role of hunters in wildlife management and the need to educate new generations about hunting and its importance in conservation. Join the conversation and share your thoughts on responsible hunting and collaboration in wildlife management.

In this video, we explore the history of Cárnicas Dibe and its impact on the game meat sector in Spain. Raúl shares his experience, from the moral and financial support he received in the first days, to the growth of the company. We discussed the economic challenges and importance of game meat exports. We also talked about consumer habits, the promotion of hunting products. Discover why game meat is a healthy and delicious option. Additionally, we explore Cárnicas Dibe's participation in food fairs and its focus on culinary education. Join us on a journey that will fill you with satisfaction and change the way you see game meat!

Join us in a passionate conversation with a hunter who shares her love of hunting and her deep connection with dogs. Learn about his hunting experience, the evolution of social media, and his commitment to ethical hunting. Find out how it deals with challenges such as social media restrictions and content regulations. Additionally, it explores his perspective on international hunting and his travel to places like South Africa and Italy. If you are a hunting lover or simply want to meet a passionate hunter. Don't miss it and join the conversation.

Discover how to face the challenges of hunting in Spain, from the beginning with a minimum stock to the evolution of the hunting market. We explore the difference between large and small game, highlighting the passion for roe deer. Learn how hunting is intertwined with nature and how each hunting activity drives a unique connection with the environment. Join our exploration of hunting, fishing, and wilderness traditions, and find the satisfaction of bringing food home while enjoying the magic of the hunt.

In this video, we discuss hot topics related to hunting, gun control, and poaching. We explore the implications of the animal law and its impact on the hunting community. We also talked about animal health challenges in livestock farming and how they relate to game population density. Discover how game reserve management can be approached effectively to ensure a balance between conservation and sustainable hunting. Don't miss this informative conversation about hunting and current legislation!

Welcome to a new installment of the exciting Young Wild Hunters Podcast with Saray! In this episode, we open a window to Saray's exciting experiences in the fascinating world of hunting, as well as her strong bond with this adventure, which is largely nourished by the rich family tradition that surrounds her. Join us as Saray immerses us in a world full of emotions and deep respect for nature. You will discover stories from his days in the monterías to that unforgettable encounter with a wild boar when he was only 12 years old. Together with Saray, we will explore the complex dynamics between hunters and animal rights defenders, addressing both the confrontations and the moments of mutual understanding that can arise in this context. In addition, you will learn more about his experience in dog training, an essential element in his life related to hunting. In this episode, we invite you to discover how hunting goes far beyond being a mere recreational activity; It is a need deeply rooted in our human instinct and a source of unbreakable connection with the nature around us. Join us on this exciting journey!

In this captivating video, Bea Rosete invites us to immerse ourselves in an exciting journey through the world of ethical hunting, highlighting the relevance of environmental education in this context. Throughout this experience, we will explore how hunting can evolve into a powerful tool for conservation, sustainability, and promoting respect for nature. Join us as we explore deep conversations about values, lack of knowledge, and gender diversity within the youth hunting community. Discover how hunting is actively helping to shape the future and how hunters play a vital role in managing wildlife and preserving natural environments. This video reveals how hunting goes beyond being a recreational activity and becomes an effective tool for protecting the environment and promoting harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature. Join us on this enlightening journey through ethical hunting and its positive impact on our world.

In this exciting episode, we immerse ourselves in a deep reflection on hunting and its roots in our rich hunting tradition, as well as its fundamental role in environmental conservation. We address burning issues, such as the spread of misinformation and media influence, and how these forces are shaping our society today. We also discuss the alarming lack of knowledge that prevails around hunting-related issues and its impact on public perception. In our conversation, we explored the urgent need to invest efforts and assume responsibilities in the environmental education of young generations. Likewise, we discuss how we can encourage sustainability and promote a greater appreciation of the environment in society at large. We invite you to join this crucial conversation about hunting, nature, and the importance of preserving the traditional values that have shaped our relationship with the natural environment. Join us on this journey of discovery and reflection!

In this exciting episode, we have the honor of engaging in an enriching conversation with Pepe Juan de la Moneda, the eminent founder of the Tierra de Caza Club and a passionate defender of hunting and nature. Together, we venture on a journey through his remarkable career, exploring the evolution of hunting over time and the prospects he sees for its future. Pepe shares with us his insightful vision of how hunting and the rural environment are undergoing significant changes in contemporary society. Through this enlightening conversation, we delve into the intricate relationship that exists between humans, hunting, and nature. We extend a cordial invitation to join this insightful conversation on a topic that affects us all: our connection to nature and the impact of hunting on our world. Don't miss the opportunity to subscribe to access more content related to hunting and the fascinating outdoors.

We invite you to explore the exciting world of hunting and precision shooting with Rafa, an experienced hunter and expert in the art of long-distance shooting. Join us on a journey in which he will share his vast knowledge and experience, giving you valuable advice to improve your shooting skills and perfect your aim when hunting, whether for large or small species. In this exciting dialogue, you will learn about the intricacies of ballistics, explore the most efficient hunting equipment, and discover the shooting techniques that will allow you to accurately and ethically hit your targets. In addition, you will learn the importance of sound suppressors and how their use can contribute to a hunting experience that is more respectful of the natural environment that we love so much. Immerse yourself in the world of responsible hunting and the current regulations that govern this activity, while you soak up nature and the excitement that surrounds it. This episode will give you a complete and enriching view of hunting, highlighting its essential role in conservation and promoting ethical and responsible practice in the hunting community. Do not miss it!

Join us in this conversation with passionate hunter and conservation expert, Pablo Ortega. We explore the unique connection between humans and nature through hunting, sharing knowledge and experiences that challenge us to understand the importance of sustainable hunting and the conservation of ecological balance. Join us on this journey through the perspective of a hunter committed to biodiversity and respect for wildlife.

In this exciting episode, we invite you to meet Virginia Caballero, an occupational therapist with a burning passion for nature and the living beings that inhabit it. Together, we will explore his amazing transformation from city life to the serene rural life, where he has entered the world of hunting and beekeeping. Virginia will share with us her captivating experiences in hunting, highlighting how she has become a fervent defender of the presence and role of women in this traditionally masculine activity. In addition, we will immerse ourselves in the exciting and sweet universe of beekeeping and honey production, where Virginia has flourished as a passionate and committed beekeeper. Join us on this journey through nature and discover the feminine sensitivity that brings a unique perspective to hunting and beekeeping. This episode is a window into a world full of adventures, fascinating creatures, and surprising discoveries that you won't want to miss.

Today we have the privilege of interviewing Marta, a fervent hunter who has dedicated years of her life to fighting tirelessly for the cause of women in the world of hunting. In this revealing conversation, Marta shares her personal experiences and the challenges she faced at the beginning of her career, while working tirelessly to improve the image of the female hunter in this sphere. You will discover the fascinating life and experiences of Marta, a young woman raised in a rural environment who has been connected to the countryside, animals and hunting since her earliest childhood. He tells us how he was introduced to the exciting world of hunting with his father, establishing a deeply rooted connection with this activity. Marta gives us a unique insight into hunting as an essential tool for the conservation and balance of nature, while also sharing the difficulties she has faced due to prejudice and discrimination for being a female hunter. This episode is full of significant anecdotes and revealing moments that contributed to Marta's training as a hunter, as well as her appreciation for the importance of ethical and responsible hunting in maintaining natural balance. We also explore the responsible use of thermal technology in hunting and its role in the proper management of the species. We invite you to join this enriching conversation and learn more about Marta's life and passion for hunting, conservation, and her deep connection with nature.

In this fascinating episode, we explore the exciting world of art and painting as it relates to hunting. Meet Jorge Manzanares, a talented artist whose works capture the very essence of nature and rural life through his masterful strokes and colors. Through this enriching conversation, you will discover how the passion for hunting is vividly reflected in Jorge's every brushstroke, and how the small details of wildlife and the hunting world come to life in his paintings in surprising ways. Join us on this exciting visual journey that transports us to the heart of hunting and its deep connection with nature. This episode is a celebration of art as a means to express and convey the beauty and importance of hunting in the context of our natural environment. You can not miss it!

Welcome to the exciting world of hunting in the new episode of the series "By the Fire"! Carlos Merello, the CEO of Spain Outfitters, joins Ignacio Ducay to dive into the different hunting seasons, explore the most notable game species, address the issue of poachers, delve into trophy hunting in Spain and analyze management of preserves. Throughout this episode, you will learn about the various types of hunting, from stalking to exciting hunts, and you will discover key strategies to successfully manage hunting grounds, maximizing your stalking opportunities. You will obtain valuable information about hunting emblematic species such as roe deer, ibex and many others. If you are a hunting lover, this episode is a unique opportunity to expand your knowledge and enjoy an exciting conversation about this outdoor activity.

Welcome to an exciting new episode of the Young Wild Hunters podcast. On this occasion, we have the pleasure of having the presence of Ramiro, a representative of Bioammo, a leading company in the production of biodegradable cartridges. Ramiro will share with us his experiences in the world of advertising and will tell us how he found his way into the hunting industry. We will learn how Bioammo is making a difference in the industry with its innovative approach to sustainability and its commitment to eliminating plastics in hunting cartridges. Additionally, we will further explore the issue of the lead ban and how this regulation is driving the adoption of compostable materials in cartridge manufacturing. Last but not least, this conversation gives us the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the exciting world of sustainable hunting and discover how each of us can contribute to the change towards more environmentally friendly practices. Join us in this stimulating dialogue that will shed light on the importance of sustainability in the world of hunting.

In this installment, we explore the values of hunting and the different hunting traditions between France and Spain with David Cotela. Discover cultural differences, the use of game meat, values and much more. At the beginning of the conversation, David Cotela takes us on a journey through the different perspectives and approaches to hunting in two countries with rich hunting traditions. We explore cultural differences and how they influence hunting, as well as the use of game meat in both nations. We dive into the values embedded in hunting and how these values are expressed in unique ways in each country. David shares rich experiences and perspectives on hunting and its meaning beyond the act itself. Additionally, we will delve into the rich hunting traditions of France and Spain, as well as a broader understanding of how hunting can be a link between culture, nature and sustainability. Don't miss this fascinating conversation full of knowledge and unique experiences about the world of hunting.

In this episode, Marta López Hunt, a prominent member of our Pro Staff team, shares with us her deep passion for rehalas and takes us through her experiences in the fascinating universe of hunting. We delve into their most memorable experiences, from exciting days in the field to moments of achievements and challenges in the hunting world. In addition to her love for hunting, Marta reveals her experience with the prestigious Alpen optics brand, giving us valuable knowledge about the brand's products. If you want to learn more about these quality optics, we invite you to follow the link provided. This episode is a unique opportunity to meet a passionate hunter and discover how hunting becomes a way of life full of emotions and learning. Don't miss this revealing conversation that will immerse you in the world of hunting through the eyes and experiences of Marta López Hunt, a true nature and outdoor enthusiast.

In this exciting episode, we dive into a revolutionary project with Javier, from El Morral de Cazador, which aims to bring the values of hunting to a global audience. Under the title "Why do you hunt?", this ambitious project involves the creation of a docuseries that aspires to reach the main streaming platforms, such as Netflix, Amazon or HBO. The purpose is clear: to spread the cultural and ethical wealth surrounding hunting worldwide. At the core of the conversation, we explore the motives behind hunting and how this activity relates to a wide range of values that often remain unknown to the general public. We discover Javier's passion for this initiative and how he is working tirelessly alongside the Artemisan Foundation to bring hunting to a global audience. We will learn in depth the ins and outs of a project that promises to challenge perceptions and generate a dialogue about hunting that transcends borders. Don't miss this conversation that reveals how hunting can be a bridge to understanding and appreciation of a tradition deeply rooted in culture and conservation.

Welcome to an exciting new episode of our “By the Fire” podcast! In this special installment, titled "Wild South Africa", we have the participation of Javier Stalking and introduce Javier Peribañez, the latest addition to the audiovisual team. In this installment, our passionate hunters will explore the fascinating adventure they experienced in South Africa. Immerse yourself in the exciting stories, the encounters with African fauna and the unique experiences that we live in South African lands, from the majesty of the lions to the immensity of the savanna, this episode will take you on an unforgettable journey through hunting and the nature of South Africa. Finally, we will tell you all the anecdotes and significant moments that reveal the essence of hunting in an environment as diverse and captivating as South Africa. Don't miss this opportunity to explore the world of hunting in one of the most iconic regions on the planet. Get ready for an adventure like no other in this new episode of "By the Fire"!

This year has brought us exciting learnings: Ignacio shares his journey in the audiovisual department: +100 documentaries, +30 trips around the world: through America, hunting for males, chamois, fairs in Germany, and many more new productions with brands. Gonzalo immerses us in the world of the marketplace with new products and collections that we fall in love with.

Welcome to Young Wild Hunters! In this video, we present you our iconic caps in green and brown, designed not only to protect you from the sun and rain, but also to express your deep connection with the countryside and nature. Discover why our caps are a symbol of adventure and passion for hunting. Join us on this exciting journey!

In this video, we show you how to use the Work Sharp five-sided sharpener to get a perfect edge in less than half an hour. You will learn to sharpen knives, axes, hooks and arrows efficiently, using the different phases and angles of attack. This sharpener offers an ergonomic hold and correct angle guidance to achieve precise results. Find the Work Sharp knife sharpener in our store and get ready to make impeccable cuts.

The hunting season is here and the cold is unforgiving! In this video, we show you how to protect yourself from the cold with a quality product: the Young Wild Hunters lining. Stay warm and ready for the hunting stand with this warm, stretchable liner. Don't let the cold ruin your hunting experience. Find out more about how to be prepared for the hunting season.

Get ready for the rainy season with the incredible Young Wild Hunters parka! Our parka, designed for days with heavy rain, is longer than usual and has an interior lining that makes it even warmer. It adjusts perfectly to your needs and has a versatile and quick closure so you are ready at the hunting stand. Don't wait any longer, find yours in the Young Wild Hunters store and face the rains with style and comfort.

Discover the impressive Breithorn Pro Boots from Bestard! These trekking boots, made in Spain with a single 2.7 millimeter cut of leather, are the perfect choice for your outdoor adventures. With exceptional durability, they will accompany you on your mountain getaways and the most demanding hikes. These boots offer unsurpassed comfort on varied terrain thanks to their high-quality Vibram sole. They are ideal for both high mountain activities and exciting hunts in mid-mountain terrain. Bestard are proud to offer a replacement service, ensuring your boots stay in perfect condition for much longer. Don't miss the opportunity to join us in this exciting outdoor experience with the Breithorn Pro Boots from Bestard. Get ready to conquer new horizons and explore nature with confidence. Adventure, durability and comfort await you!

Discover the essential Pocket Sharpener for your hunting days. This practical device will become your inseparable companion, as it easily fits into your backpack or pants pocket, ensuring that you always have at hand a crucial tool to keep your knives in perfect condition. In less than 2 minutes, you can restore the edge of your knife efficiently thanks to its surprising versatility. Learn to use side A to remove material and ceramic side B to polish the edge, achieving precision results that are essential in any hunting activity. Once you have used faces A and B, a few passes on leather or leather material will give the final touch to leave your knife ready to cut with incomparable precision. Find this essential accessory in the Young Wild Hunters store and make sure you always have the right tool to keep your knives in their best shape. Don't miss the opportunity to acquire this essential accessory that every hunter needs. Keep your equipment in optimal condition and be prepared to face any challenge on your hunting adventures. Elevate your skills with the Work Sharp Pocket Hunting Sharpener!

Discover the Javelin Pro Hunt Tac Bipod, the ultimate accessory to elevate your hunting experience! Installation is simple and secure thanks to the included screws and Allen keys. The safety locking tab ensures unparalleled stability and exceptional accuracy on your rifle, allowing you to aim with confidence and precision. Learn how to optimize the clearance to follow your prey without problems and how to lengthen the legs independently to adapt perfectly to the terrain. The silicone stumps ensure a firm grip on any surface, giving you a solid base for your shots. Don't miss the opportunity to acquire this limited product that is revolutionizing hunting. Find it in our marketplace at and be sure to buy it before the available units run out. Raise your level as a hunter and experience the difference with the Javelin Pro Hunt Tac Bipod from Young Wild Hunters. Improve your precision, stability and success in your hunting days today!

The EEP-100 Earplugs from the renowned PELTOR brand are not only ideal for hunting, but also offer exceptional comfort thanks to their small and light design. The multifunctional case on these headphones is a marvel: it not only stores and protects the headphones when not in use, but also serves as a charging point, ensuring they are ready when you need them most. With an easy-to-operate button, these headphones are waterproof, making them perfect for all weather conditions. Plus, they come equipped with a built-in microphone, collar antenna, and safety lanyard, making them an essential tool for hunters. Not only will they provide you with exceptional hearing protection, but they will also increase your situational awareness, allowing you to communicate effectively in difficult situations. If you want to extend its autonomy, you can easily do so with three additional batteries. Take your hunting experience to the next level. Protection, comfort and advanced technology in one product!

Discover everything you need to know about Peltor's Sport Tac helmets, the essential companion for every hunter. These innovative helmets are battery operated, allowing you to easily turn them on and off with a button. Are you worried about running out of battery? Don't worry, the helmet itself will warn you with three descending tones at short intervals, ensuring that you never lack energy. Adjust the volume to your preference with the plus and minus options, and enjoy superior hearing protection while experiencing crystal-clear sound reproduction without annoying interference. Thanks to their variable level adjustment, these helmets adapt perfectly to the environment, whether in the forest, large plains or on the shooting range. Protect your ears from strong sound impulses and ensure optimal listening without over-amplification. Join me and turn these versatile helmets into your inseparable companions on your hunting days! You can find the Peltor Sport Tacs on our website. Don't compromise your hearing, choose quality and safety with Sport Tac!

These bags have been designed to guarantee the highest quality and protection of the meat you get on your hunts. With them you can clean the meat, allow it to breathe properly and protect it from dust, branches, insects and bacteria. Plus, they are completely reusable, meaning you can wash and use them over and over again without compromising their quality. These bags are built to withstand even the demands of transporting the meat of the Iberian Peninsula's largest animals, such as roe deer, rabbits and deer. Their durability and resistance to friction make them ideal for any hunter. Make sure every portion of meat you get stays in the best condition. Explore the different packs available and get ready to improve the quality and conservation of your hunting. An essential element on every hunting day!

In this video, we present Tactical Foodpack, an incredible product that offers high-quality dehydrated rations with great nutritional value. With our week-long boxes, you'll have the perfect meal for your outdoor adventures or emergency situations. Tactical Foodpack dehydrated rations are light and easy to transport, as they weigh practically nothing. They contain all the sauces and nutrients of food, without artificial processes. You can enjoy delicious soups or solid meals by simply adding about 400 milliliters of water. The best thing about Tactical Foodpack is that it not only provides nutritious meals but also includes essential items for your survival. You'll find water purification tablets, fire-making tools like matches and tinder, and handy warming spoons. Take advantage of the variety our boxes offer and choose exactly what you need. Tactical Foodpack adapts to your needs, ensuring you have a good meal and are prepared for any situation. Do not wait more! Discover the advantages of Tactical Foodpack and enjoy tactical and nutritious food on your outdoor adventures. Subscribe and like if you liked the video!

Discover the Wales FF Boots, made in Mallorca, which have come to completely change the world of mountain boots. These boots are a testament to innovation and quality. Its resistant Perwanger leather and its Gore-Tex inner cover, a combination which stands out for its waterproofness and performance in adverse conditions. Exhaustive tests on varied terrain, from the mountains of Asturias to the Dehesa of Extremadura, have shown that these boots are synonymous with resistance and durability. Even when traversing brambles during woodcock hunting, the Wales FF Boots have maintained their integrity. Its minimalist design and Close fit System technology, together with its reduced weight, provide exceptional comfort and precision. Putting on Bestard Wales is like wearing sports shoes in the countryside, but with all the features of high-quality mountain boots. The stability, robustness and protection they offer make these boots the safe choice for hunters looking for quality and comfort on their hunting adventures. Don't compromise your performance or comfort. The Wales FF Boots are the ultimate choice for your outdoor expeditions!

Discover the Bestard Zambia boots from Javier Martínez Urbano, our pro staff. Discover the exceptional Bestard Zambia Boots. At Young Wild Hunters, we present to you one of the most prestigious European brands, with over 80 years of experience in Mallorca, and these boots are a testament to their incomparable quality and durability. What makes the Bestard Zambia Boots unique is their ability to offer exceptional grip on any terrain, thanks to their innovative arctic grip sole. The design of these boots is unique, with a side hook and a semi-rigid construction that strikes the perfect balance between comfort and resistance. Plus, its water resistance and integrated Gore-Tex technology ensure your feet stay dry at all times, no matter the weather conditions. If you are looking for a shoe that exceeds your expectations in terms of performance, durability and comfort, the Bestard Zambia Boots are the perfect choice. Don't miss the opportunity to experience Bestard excellence and take your outdoor adventures to the next level. Discover the ultimate performance in every step!

We present you the news from GAIM. They have incorporated the new 2.0 trigger system and other new improvements and expansions. We also offer you a series of guides so that you can make the most of the new updates and enjoy the experience to the fullest. Immerse yourself in the world of GAIM with us and discover how these updates are changing the game. Don't miss the opportunity to experience the excitement and fun on a completely different level. Get ready to live your passion for hunting like never before!

The range of Meat Transport Bags is meticulously designed to meet your needs, these bags offer much more than a simple container, they preserve the freshness and quality of your meat products, guaranteeing that they reach their destination in optimal conditions. Our bags are equipped with smart features that make it easy to handle and store meat. The quality of your products is essential, and our bags are designed to protect them in the best way possible. Whether you're a hunter who needs to transport your game or a barbecue enthusiast looking to preserve meat for your next barbecue, our Meat Carrying Bags are the perfect choice. Get ready to discover the best way to preserve and transport meat efficiently and safely, while maintaining the freshness and quality you value so much. Raise your standards with our bags and enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that your meat products are in good hands!

We present to you the best hunting and shooting sports simulator that we have had the pleasure of trying at hunting fairs around the world! This is the impressive GAIM simulator, a unique experience that completely immerses you in the exciting world of hunting. This simulator consists of two fundamental parts: a walnut wood stock that provides an authentic feel and the GAIM software that integrates perfectly with the Facebook Oculus. The Oculus Quest 2 is recommended by GAIM due to its optimal compatibility and performance with the software. With GAIM, you will experience unparalleled immersion in hunting and shooting sports. Feel the thrill of the hunt from the comfort of your home or training location. This innovative combination of hardware and software gives you a realistic and exciting experience that challenges your shooting skills and allows you to sharpen your aim like never before. Get ready to experience hunting and shooting sports in a completely new way with GAIM. Become an expert in weapons handling and improve your accuracy from the comfort of your Oculus Quest 2. Raise your skill level and experience hunting in a way you never imagined!

Hello hunters! In this video, we'll explore our amazing wallets designed with the same durability that characterizes our stylish and rugged products. Discover how these wallets become the perfect complement to your hunting lifestyle, offering the quality you need. Don't miss the opportunity to find the ideal wallet for you. Join us on this adventure of style and durability!

In this exciting episode, the Young Wild Hunters head to Encinarejo to carry out an enriching team building and strengthen the bonds between its members. We experienced a group hunt using bows. We want to express our sincere gratitude to Alex and Jes for their generous hospitality at their Encinarejo estate and for being an integral part of this close-knit family.

In this exciting third episode, we witness the brilliant adventure of Javier Martínez Urbano (Javier Stalking) while hunting a deer. Afterwards, we invite you to a fascinating journey of butchering and cooking it. We want to express our gratitude to Alex and Jes for their warm hospitality at their Encinarejo farm and for being a fundamental part of this passionate family of hunters and nature lovers.

The Young Wild Hunters meet at the Alambique restaurant to immerse themselves in a fascinating cooking course, guided by architect, hunter and writer Pablo Ortega. Pablo, a lover of cooking and a passionate defender of the use of game meat, will share his culinary knowledge in the preparation of three exquisite recipes: partridge stewed with grapes, pigeon with basmati rice and a delicious pickled rabbit. Get ready to have your mouth watering!

In this exciting fourth episode of Young Wild Hunters at Encinarejo, we invite you to immerse yourself in the world of game cuisine with Álvaro Paniagua, Ángel Martín from La Tienta restaurant and Alex from La Bella Ana restaurant. We will explore the preparation of delicious meatballs, vegetable dishes, cannelloni, juicy cuts of meat and much more. Join us on this culinary experience that highlights the versatility of game in the kitchen.

In this exciting video, we want to share with you our motto: "We eat what we hunt." For us, hunting is not just a passion, but a way of life that goes beyond the exciting experience in the field. It is also the satisfaction of harvesting what nature gives us and enjoying it as a family. The opportunity to enjoy the meat we have hunted is a true luxury that we deeply value. Plus, when we share this experience with our loved ones, it becomes an even more special moment. The table becomes a meeting place, where the stories of the hunting days are intertwined with the aroma of the dishes prepared with love. Throughout this video, we invite you to explore the meaning behind our motto and immerse yourself in the unique connection between hunting, food, and family. We will show you how hunting not only gives us emotions in the field, but also the satisfaction of enjoying natural and quality products on the table. Join us on this journey where the passion for hunting merges with the love of food and family togetherness. Together, we celebrate the beauty of "eating what we hunt" and invite you to share this experience with us. Get ready for a feast of emotions and flavors that will make you appreciate the magic of hunting even more!

In this video, meet Pablo Ortega, an architect by profession but a passionate defender of hunting and conservation. As founder of the Spanish Corte Association and author of books on roe deer, Pablo takes us on a journey to understand how hunting can be a conservation tool. New call for the butchering and cooking course "The roe deer, from top to bottom". The images belong to a previous edition of the course and are part of a new series of @ywhunters that you will soon be able to see on @cazavisiontv.

In this exciting video, we take you to a world where the passion for hunting meets one of our greatest joys: enjoying food. After two intense days in the countryside, our team, made up of Ramón Big Trophy, Asís Valentín, Rafa and Ignacio, meets to carry out an exciting culinary event: a choriza of epic dimensions to enjoy in the company of good friends. Hunting and cooking are uniquely intertwined in this experience, where we transform what we hunt into authentic gastronomic delights. In this video, we will take you behind the scenes so you can witness the preparation of this great choriza, where the skill of passionate hunters is combined with the joy of sharing special moments with friends.

In this last episode of this great adventure, we take you to the south of Spain, where we carry out exciting species management. We are in the picturesque province of Almería with our partner Manu, immersed in an impressive landscape that combines the sea and the mountains while we fulfill our hunting objective. As hunting lovers, we understand the importance of making the most of what nature offers us. Therefore, in this chapter, we delve into the transformation of game meat into authentic gastronomic delights. We show you how we turn a goat specimen into delicious goat tacos, celebrating the motto "FROM THE FIELD TO THE TABLE".

The Young Wild Hunters head to the local Alembic to enjoy a fabulous cooking course taught by Pablo Ortega, architect, hunter, writer and culinary enthusiast. Pablo is a fervent defender of the use of game meat and will share his culinary passion through the preparation of three succulent recipes: stewed partridge with grapes, pigeon with basmati rice and a delicious pickled rabbit. Get ready to have your mouth water!