Rivers Edge

Deluxe 1 Person Waiting Chair - Rivers Edge

Delivery in 3-4 business days

YWH Validated Products

Shipping cost: €20 (Large Products)
Secure Payment
El Deluxe™ es el stand de escalera que combina a la perfección comodiad y precio asequible. Su asiento acolchado y su reposapiés abatible brindan la comodidad necesaria para cazar durante todo el día. El riel de tiro acolchado abatible  facilita el acceso y la salida del puesto. El Deluxe™ es una excelente opción para el coto de cualquier cazador.

Shipping costs €20 as these are large products and have larger than normal dimensions.

You have 14 calendar days from the moment you receive your order.

To Make a Return:
- Pack your order.
- Write us an email with the word "Return" and the order number and send it to our warehouses.
- Upon receipt of the item, check that it has not been used and that the product retains its original condition and packaging. We will refund your money immediately.