The prohibition of recreational hunting in our National Parks

#caza #gestión #IREC

Ungulates play a fundamental role in Spanish ecosystems, where species such as deer, wild boar and fallow deer are an integral part of the natural landscape. These animals not only contribute to biodiversity and ecological balance, but also have a significant impact on the management of natural resources and the country's rural economy. Through their grazing and seed dispersal behavior, ungulates help maintain the health of forests and grasslands, promoting vegetation regeneration and soil fertility.

However, uncontrolled increases in ungulate populations can pose significant challenges in terms of conservation and environmental management. In Spain, where hunting and forestry are an important part of the culture and economy, an excessive increase in ungulates can result in damage to crops, vegetation and rural infrastructure. Therefore, the implementation of adaptive and sustainable management policies becomes essential to guarantee the balance between biodiversity conservation and human needs, thus ensuring the long-term health of Spanish ecosystems and, specifically, the Parks. Nationals.

The prohibition of recreational hunting in National Parks

In Spain, hunting activity in these ecosystems has been prohibited since December 2020, a measure that generates discussion among scientists and hunters. One of the main reasons why this activity has not recovered is because of how hunting is viewed by society, a delicate issue that the population views with ignorance and rejection. Therefore, the first challenge faced by the management of wild ungulates in National Parks is to convey to society the usefulness of lethal population control to contribute to the regulation of populations and, particularly, to convey the challenges of giving up to recreational hunting.

Various scientists from entities such as IREC – CSIC, UCLM, JCCM… have carried out a study in which the benefits and opportunities of the reintroduction of hunting in these places are analyzed. In Spain there are 16 National Parks, of which 14 have the presence of wild ungulates, eleven of these National Parks include the lethal population control of wild ungulates in their management plans, and the same number had already reported negative ecological consequences associated to high densities of ungulates before the ban on recreational hunting came into force.

Source: IREC

Excluding recreational hunting in National Parks not only deprives society of a management tool rooted in our cultural practices, but also represents a missed opportunity to promote a sustainable and exemplary hunting model. Recreational hunting, when carried out responsibly and well regulated, can play a vital role in managing ungulate populations and conserving ecosystems. Allowing hunting in National Parks would be a way to establish and demonstrate exemplary hunting practices, based on technical and scientific criteria, and on management measures that are respectful of wildlife and the conservation objectives of these natural spaces. Furthermore, transparently communicating these actions to society would be essential to promote understanding and support for these management practices.

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