The heat is coming, the ticks are coming

#caza #garrapata #Naturaleza

A newly developed statistical model provides crucial information on when and where ticks are most likely to bite people and animals. This tool is essential to prevent the transmission of various diseases that these ticks can spread.

Distribution and Risk of Diseases

Ticks are widely distributed throughout continental Europe, reaching as far north as the Iberian Peninsula and other less extensive areas of Spain. These ticks are known to transmit numerous pathogens that cause diseases both in humans, such as encephalitis and Lyme disease, and in animals, such as Louping's disease and babesiosis.

Research and Discoveries

A study carried out by the Institute for Research in Game Resources (IREC), in collaboration with the Basque Institute for Agricultural Research and Development (NEIKER) and the Regional Service for Agri-Food Research and Development (SERIDA) of the Principality of Asturias, has revealed new details about the density of ticks in northern Spain.

Between 2012 and 2014, researchers carried out fortnightly sampling in thirteen areas of the Principality of Asturias and the Basque Country. During these samplings, some 40,000 larvae, 18,000 nymphs and 600 adult ticks were captured. The researchers analysed the influence of environmental factors such as temperature and water stress, as well as host availability and habitat type.

Key Factors

The main finding of the study is that temperature and humidity conditions during summer and winter are the most important factors limiting tick abundance in northern Spain. The large thermal and hydric contrasts in this region during the coldest or warmest months of the year determine the seasonal pattern and spatial distribution of these ticks.

Ticks in Wild Animals

In addition to affecting people, ticks are a constant threat to wild animals such as deer and wild boar. During the periods of greatest activity of these ticks, it is rare not to encounter infected animals in these areas. Roe deer and wild boar act as important hosts for ticks, facilitating their proliferation and increasing the risk of transmission of pathogens. Hunters and hikers who travel through these areas are also at risk, as it is common to pick up ticks on clothing and on shot animals.

Future of the Model

This model, which has already demonstrated high temporal accuracy, can be improved with new data to increase our ability to more accurately predict when and where there will be more ticks. This will allow for the adoption of more effective preventive measures to avoid tick bites and disease transmission, thereby improving public and animal health in affected areas.

With this tool, it is hoped that time windows and critical risk points can be better identified, providing an effective defence against tick-borne diseases.

How to remove a tick?

Use tweezers and grasp the tick close to the skin (on the head of the insect). Hold the tweezers sideways, close to the surface of the skin. Pull the tick straight up without twisting or crushing it. Maintain constant pressure until it comes loose.

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